5 Essential Tips From a Financial Advisor for Small Business & Solo-Practitioners

cash flow solutions for small business & Professionals

How Can I Save For Retirement AND Keep the Office Going...?

We are the financial advisor for small business and solo-practitioners because we know the pressures of running a small business/solo professional practice firsthand. There are multiple demands on cash flow. So, we participate in programs that create leverage that will allow you to fund: retirement, buy/sell agreements, or key employee compensation programs. It’s all legal, moral, and ethical. And, the program allows the lender to be paid without dipping into your business cash flow–the transactions are all outside your structure.

Our programs are designed to provide multiple six-figure-plus retirement packages in order to minimize all transaction costs. Better yet: no credit checks or loan signatures!

Contact us to discuss how we may create a package for you!

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We Aim to Solve These Common Problems...

Individuals, Families, Small-Business Owners, Professionals, and recent Retirees all face these common problems in terms of Risk Management: Rising Tax Rates; Rising Interest Rates; Rising Inflation; Market Volatility; Rising Healthcare Costs. All of these issues are measured against generally borderline insufficient asset levels.

WR Nichols is a Well-Known, Published Author, Educator, and Media Personality

WR Nichols is a Best-Selling Author, Well-Known Legal & Financial Educator, having taught nationwide classes on long-term care planning and ethics. Mr. Nichols co-authored the best-selling, "Masters of Success" and authored the in-depth, personal, perspective of long-term care soft-back, "Pack a Sweater." Mr. Nichols has appeared on The Brian Tracy Show (motivational speaker) and Hollywood Live! with Jack Canfield (best-selling author of, "Chicken Soup for the Soul).

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High Tech Implementation

We use cutting edge technology and platforms to ensure encrypted security, confidentiality, accuracy and efficiency in all phases of our planning techniques. For but one example, our custodian was the innovator in fractional share trading and has been a leader in the robo-advisor space since 2001. We use encrypted services owned by such industry giants as Fidelity. These powerful applications help us quantify risk and manage it by running sophisticated statistical analyses to identify at-risk areas. We use technology to meet with you online or in-person, to shrink distances, shorten commute times, and by using digital contracts where appropriate--all to increase convenience, efficiency and productivity.

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Asset Protection, Legacy & Charitable Planning

Most advisors omit discussions of protecting wealth from predators and creditors. Because of our wealth of legal experience in the estate planning, trust and probate spaces, such planning goes hand-in-hand in our analysis and forward legacy planning processes. Charitable giving is an ancillary topic that naturally goes hand-in-hand with these discussions during our advanced planning meetings. Best yet: these topics are relevant for Families, Small-Business Owners and Professionals because: all these are comprised of Individuals!

Our Expertise

Professional Team Ready To Help You With Building a Retirement Plan For You and/or Keeping Key Employees

We make the complex simple …

We understand the pressures that come with running your own business or professional practice. Often, you are still paying on student loans or other business loans to keep the concern ongoing. So, it becomes a cash flow issue when the topic turns to retirement planning for you. We can help. 

Even for more established concerns, providing key employees with compensation packages can become burdensome on cash flow. We can help there too.

And, if it’s merely an issue of funding a buy/sell agreement so that you don’t wind up being in business with your partner’s family in the event of their untimely demise, we can help there too.

We have programs where  reputable lenders are available to help fund programs designed to provide a win-win solution for everyone. It’s straight-up, legal, moral, and ethical. It works well because it utilizes leverage in multiple instances and allows the lender to be paid without burdening your business cash flow. Contact us via the form below to learn more.

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you pay for the first 5 years to get skin in the game...which turns out to be a total of 25% overall investment in the plan....
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lender pays for the first 5 years...then ups it to 100% for the next 5 years...a net 75% leveraged funds into YOUR retirement plan....
Fee-Based Planning

Being a fiduciary means your best interests are paramount. If a product solution/investment vehicle  is recommended strictly because of the commission/fees associated with it, an advisor has a conflict of interest. But, if the solution offered is truly in the client’s best interests, the commissions/fees earned fall into the backdrop of the joint-venture-type arrangement that truly represents the advisor/client relationship. In our 28+ years of experience in dealing with client relationships, all but insurmountable conflicts of interest (as strictly defined by applicable Codes of Professional Responsibility) can be resolved with full  written disclosures. Click the icon above to download a copy of our Compensation Disclosure.

Risk Management

Most advisors focus on risk analysis as a trade-off of, “how much would you be willing to risk losing to get this amount of gain?” Not so with us. 

Risk management is about so much more than this zero-sum type of Risk/Reward approach to investing and wealth planning. Risk assessment is one part. Risk-shifting is another part.

We see so many people come in, tout their conservative nature while emphasizing, “We can’t afford to lose any money!” Then, they make the riskiest choices in planning for their future based most often on pure emotion informed by  popular mythology or other anecdotal information. We hope you can see the conflicting strategies at play in just this simple scenario. 

We quantify risk. We add qualitative factors peculiar to your situation. Then, we provide you with a plethora of options. Where you wish to go is your call. Making sure you can get there is where we come in–and we base our recommendations on an evidentiary approach.

Educational Events

We host frequent, periodic educational courses at local community colleges. Click the icon above to Learn More!

Cash Flow Analysis

In large part, retirement boils down to what you can spend. Wealth and legacy planning is the process of determining your ability to spend. To increase the probability of you enjoying a high-quality of retirement based on the ability to comfortably spend what you can, we build a variety of analytical frameworks to hone in on probable outcomes tested against a variety of “what-if” scenarios. This process is ongoing to keep your plan current and also serves as another part of risk management. Surprises aren’t generally a good thing in investments and retirement. We try to plan so we avoid them.

Unlock Possibility

If you think your case is beyond repair or too complex to address, think again. We have made careers out of “Find a Way to Win Financial Planning.” Needless to say, the results have been much to the happiness of our clients who trusted us enough to share their information and allow us to work with them. You can too–you’ll love doing business with us–just ask any of our clients by clicking the icon to see!

Awards & Recognitions

Click the icon above to see the various awards and public recognition we’ve been honored to receive. 

We Solve $$$ Problems

How can we help you?
