Do I Need a Financial Advisor for My 401k?

Did You Know?

  • Even If You Need 401k Plan Professional Investment Advice…
  • Your employer and plan sponsor are most likely prohibited by law from giving you advice.
  • Most financial professionals do not have the resources or tools to provide you advice.
  • WE DO NOW!

What You Get:

  • Customized website portal and app giving you personalized advice using your:

    • Available Investment Options that your employer has chosen for you
    • Adjusted to Fit Your Risk Tolerance
    • Tailored Only for Morningstar Categories that you choose
    • “month-to-month” contract (pay by credit card – not plan assets like other fund managers charge)
    • Cancel anytime with 30-day advanced written notice

How It Works

Provide us with all of your available investment options of your plan and we will create an account for you in the software.

The software analyzes all of your investment options given the rules laid out by the DOL known as ERISA law.

Investment Options are then reviewed using data from Morningstar and DOL Rules

The highest-scored investment options will be assigned to their proper Morningstar Categories

We look at 208 different Morningstar Categories.

We know that your plan will not cover all 208 categories so we assign proxies.

This will ensure that we always provide you an allocation that will total 100%, even when your plan does not have the categories that we may really have wanted to use.

So we will get you as close to the allocation as we can given the investment options that your employer has chosen for you.

We then overlay Asset Allocation Models from professional money managers over those investment options and provide you the advice using the options unique to your plan.

You can log into your account at any time.

You will receive an email or “push” notification when new recommendations are uploaded letting you know that new advice is available. 

You then will see recommendations on how to position your money given your investment options and risk tolerance.

You can also change your model at any time if you want to take more or less risk at any time.

If you agree with the recommendations, you log into your Plan Sponsor Website and make the changes or just give them a call.

You then will see recommendations on how to position your money given your investment options and risk tolerance.

You can also change your model at any time if you want to take more or less risk at any time.

If you agree with the recommendations, you log into your Plan Sponsor Website and make the changes or just give them a call.

No more guessing so you have more confidence on your way to a happy retirement!

What It Costs

ONLY $25/month

need 401k professional investment advice

I'm Ready to Join!

YES! I'm Ready To Sleep Easy At Night Knowing I Am Not Alone And My Assets Are Properly Allocated Within What My Employer Plan Allows

Managing your 401k can be an intimidating task, but a financial advisor can help simplify the process and make it easier for you to reach your retirement goals. A financial advisor can provide a range of services that can benefit you when it comes to your 401k, such as portfolio design and maintenance, asset allocation advice, and guidance on 401k contribution limits.     Working with a financial advisor to manage your 401k can help you ensure that your retirement savings are on track. Additionally, they can help you explore other retirement savings options and provide you with personalized advice on the best way to manage your 401k. With the right advisor, you can get the most out of your 401k and increase your chances of achieving your retirement goals.

Understanding the basics of 401(k) plans is essential for making sure you’re setting yourself up for a comfortable retirement. A 401(k) plan is an employer-sponsored retirement plan that allows employees to save and invest for their future. Contributions are often pre-tax and can be a great way to build up retirement savings over time.    In addition to the tax benefits, 401(k) plans can often provide an employer match, meaning they will match some or all of the contributions you make to the plan. This is an excellent way to contribute to your retirement savings while also increasing your savings over time. To qualify for the employer match, however, you may need to meet certain criteria, such as contributing a certain percentage of your salary to the plan each year. It’s important to understand the details of your 401(k) plan in order to take full advantage of its benefits.     When it comes to deciding whether or not you need a financial advisor for your 401(k), it depends on your individual circumstances. If you’re comfortable with finances and have the knowledge and experience to make the appropriate choices, you may not need a financial advisor. However, if you find yourself confused or overwhelmed by the complexity of the plan and its investment options, hiring a financial advisor may be a wise decision.

Here are a couple of links to see what other’s opinions are:

Kiplinger says you should hire an advisor to make the most of your 401k.

Forbes contributor Kristin McKenna says sometimes an advisor is worth the cost and maybe not in other situations


Confidence Increases Substantially*

Studies show confidence in 401k investment decisions grows significantly when using help

*401k Participant Study, Charles Schwab Aug 2013


Performance Increases Substantially*

Recently, AON Hewitt released a report that shows the importance of professional advice.

The report showed that those that were receiving professional advice earned a return of 3.32% higher each year, after the cost of the advice.

The report went on to state that over a 20 year period, that is a return 79% higher than those that tried to do it on their own.

That could be the difference between retiring with $500k or $900k.

Which would you rather have?

*AON Hewitt-Helpin Defined Contribution Plans: 2006-2012
The markets are changing rapidly and quite possibly are eroding your investments while you waste time pondering whether this offer is worth $25. IT IS! Sign up now!
need 401k professional investment advice

I'm Ready to Join!

YES! I'm Ready To Sleep Easy At Night Knowing I Am Not Alone And My Assets Are Properly Allocated Within What My Employer Plan Allows